Ju-On Wiki

Mr. Praski was a supporting character in The Grudge 3 and Max’s boss. He is the 6th victim to die in the film.


Mr. Praski was very stern with Max Morrison as he was losing money and business with the lack of tenants moving in and several of them moving out, as a result of the Kimble family deaths and rumors of the locale being haunted.

His patience grew thinner when he witnessed Renee and Brenda moving out, being led out by Max. He was considering firing him as landlord of the apartment but begrudgingly gave him one last chance when he reveals that a new tenant (Naoko Kawamata) was moving in that same week.

After Gretchen’s death, Mr. Praski confronts Max in the basement who’s stacking bricks, and informs him that Max has been fired and that a new management company has bought out the complex. Taken aback, Max pleads with his boss that he needs the job to support his family. Mr. Praski is unfazed, stating that it’s simply business and that he doesn’t have to take the news well but to just simply be understanding.

In a fit of rage, Max pushes him into a pile of bricks, with Mr. Praski responding that it didn’t have to be like this. He returns to his car and finds that it won’t start. He then starts to hear meowing noises coming from the vents, and then Toshio Saeki appears right next to him and murders him.


  • Gretchen’s death, and Mr. Praski firing him are what led to Max’s eventual possession by Takeo Saeki.